Monday, September 3, 2018

Personal statement help!

As someone who will be applying for University very soon, the nightmare of personal statements is coming along quickly. The ideal personal statement seems impossible to me, but if you don't try you've already messed up. In light of this, I've been doing a lot of research into the 'perfect' personal statement on Youtube (because where else is best to get your personal statement help?). Whilst I haven't drafted the first attempt at my personal statement yet, I have discovered some tips that are currently helping me and I hope will help you too! I will also link the videos where I got these tips from at the end.

1. Be passionate about your course. 
Something that has come up a lot is being passionate about your course and have specific reasons as to why you want to study that course. One question that came up in a video is "What do I like to revise?", which, to me, seems quite helpful. What you like to revise most, is surely the subject you most enjoy (and in some cases what you struggle on). Showing you're interested in a course will also help; what have you done that applies to your course?

2. Make everything relevant
Is the work experience you're mentioning important to your course? How do the extra-curricular activities I take part in link to my course? Ensuring that everything you say is relevant to your course ensures that you make use of every character of your 4000-word limit. If you're going to apply to one of the top universities e.g. Oxbridge, they like Academia. However, other Universities may want to know more personal information, what would make you a good University student? The work-experience and extra-curricular activities can also be useful to show what skills you have and can bring to your university. Show the skills that will lead you to be a good academic, a good university student. For example, My Gold Duke of Edinburgh expedition shows teamwork and communication.

3. Your personal statement should be like a story
It should have a beginning, middle and end. For your introduction, what sparked your attraction to the subject you want to study? Do you have any knowledge of the subject you want to study at University e.g, have you done further reading? How will this course help you achieve your goals, whether that be a job or future study?
For you middle, mention any skills that would help you in your university course and would be relevant? Can you give examples of how you gained/developed these skills? Are you willing to learn? And how can you show this in your personal statement?
For your ending, finish with a summary of what you have said in your personal statement. This can also include what you want to do in the future and how this course will help you in the future too. From reading examples of personal statements, it should flow from one paragraph to another and you shouldn't lie about what you have done. In addition to this, Universities have a plagiarism system, so if you copy off someone else's work, they will most likely know and you may risk not getting a place. Something I have also learned from my research is that if you're doing a joint degree, e.g. I want to do Sociology and Psychology, you should talk about why you want to do both sides of the course and don't mention a specific university as your personal statement goes to all five of your University choices.

4. Drafting is important
Draft your personal statements as many times as you need and keep getting feedback. The more feedback you receive, the better your personal statement can become. Putting time and effort into your personal statement can really help in the future. If you rush it, it will show when the admissions office read your personal statement.

I hope this helps you as it is currently helping you. As I haven't written my personal statement yet, I will make a follow-up post afterwards about what I have learned from it and any additional information that will help people in the future. If you're currently writing your personal statement, I wish you luck <3

All the information above is what I have learned from the videos linked below and help from my college.
1.  -Video offering tips on how to write a personal statement if you want to go to a top U.K. University.
2. - Short video outlining the important parts of your personal statement.
3.  -Professors at Birmingham University saying what they want to see in personal statements for different subjects.
4.  -This is the booklet that my college gave me to help.

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